Monday, May 20, 2013

Hotel Room Proatmeal

Hotel Room Proatmeal

This isn't necessarily the tastiest proatmeal I've come up with - but it certainly does the trick to stay on track with my nutritional goals while traveling! In the picture above, I definitely added too much water. To get a chewier consistency, keep your water on the lower end of the recommended water measurements.

1/2 Cup Old Fashion Oats
1 Scoop Banana Whey Protein (chocolate or vanilla work as well)
1 Oz Slivered Almonds
*Optional 1/2 TBSP Unsweetened Cocoa
Hot water

- In the biggest container (cup, bowl, mug, glass, etc.), stir dry ingredients together
- Using the coffee machine to heat the water (i.e. make a coffee without adding the coffee pouch), heat water and combine desired amount to dry ingredients. Typically, I add approximately 1/4 to 1/2 the amount of hot water equal to dry ingredients. In other words, if it looks like the dry ingredients would be 1 cup, I would add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of hot water.
- Stir
- Let sit
- Eat :D

- Chia Seeds
- Shredded Unsweetened Coconut
- Cocoa nibs
- Dehydrated banana chips
- Fruit (sometimes you can get fresh fruit from hotel continental breakfasts)
- Nut butter (also sometimes available at hotel continental breakfasts)
- Strawberry Powder (I might substitute this for PB2, or keep PB2 and have a PB&J proatmeal!)

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