
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Oreo Protein Blizzard

Oreo Protein Blizzard
Cals 233, Carbs 12, Fat 2, Protein 39, Sugar 9, Fiber 0

I'm sure most people will look at these ingredients with a fair amount of skepticism - eggs, cottage cheese and cookies doesn't sound like the most appetizing snack... not to mention, others will get their guard up over the Oreo cookie that's involved! Well, that's why this is a post-workout recipe :) It's higher in sugar/carbs to help your body and your muscles quickly make use of the protein. This recipe is low in fat and fibre which, any other time of the day higher fibre and fat can be ideal ! However, post-workout, these nutrients can slowdown digestion (again, ideal throughout the day but not so great post-workout) and impede on your muscles ability to use the protein! 

If you don't like cottage cheese, you can substitute with fat free ricotta. However, my resident Picky-Eater detests cheese, especially cottage cheese - and she loved it! I asked if she wanted to try my protein blizzard, while refraining from disclosing the ingredients. After she formed her opinion that it's quite tasty, I told her what was in it. She felt duped ;) 

1 Oreo
1/4 Cup Fat Free Cottage Cheese
1/4 Cup Liquid Egg
1 Scoop Vanilla Whey Protein
1-2 TBSP Walden Farms Chocolate Syrup  
Stevia to taste (My protein powder is very sweet so I don't need it)
Optional Mascarpone vanilla powder
1-2 cups ice

You'll want to add just enough liquid to allow your blender to work, but not too much or you'll end up with a smoothie! I recommend any unsweetened milk (coconut or almond) but you always use more liquid egg/extra cottage cheese for higher protein. Water works too :)

*For a more 'ice creamy' texture, add a few TBSP of Cool Whip Light or a pinch of Xantham Gum

- In a high-powered blender or food processor, blend all ingredients except for the Oreo
- Once ingredients are smooth/creamy, add Oreo and blend lightly/pulse a few times until desired consistency is reached
- Eat immediately!

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