
Monday, February 18, 2013

Carrot Cake Protein Pancakes

Carrot Cake Protein Pancakes

Macros: Cals 234, Carbs 21, Fat 3, Protein 35, Sugar 3, Fiber 12

1/2 Cup Shredded Carrots ( I used a blender and added some fresh ginger, which gave it a rather strong gingery taste)
1/2 Scoop of Vanilla Protein
1/2 Cup Egg Whites
1 TBSP Physillium Husks
1/4 Cup Wheat Bran or 2 TBSP Coconut Flour (For a more authentic texture)
1 TBSP Walls Berry Farm Coconut Creme Spread (not entirely necessary, but lovely!)
*Optional 2 TBSP Crushed Pecans
1/2 Cup Water

1/2 TBSP Butter Extract
1 TBSP Vanilla
1 TBSP Caramel Syrup
1/4 TSP Ginger
1 TBSP Stevia
2 TSP Cinnamon
Dash of Pumpkin Pie Spice

- Steam Carrots with 1/2 cup water until tender (microwave or stove)
-Combine Carrots and water with the remaining ingredients
- Let sit until ingredients bind together - I usually make my batter the night before and let it sit until morning.
- Cook as a regular pancake

*Cooking them in coconut oil is exquisite!

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